Downloadable Editing Tools
Editing your own writing can be so hard, in part because there are so few resources that really teach you how to edit! If you’re ready to learn what to do and feel more confident editing your work, check out my self-editing tools below. Each pdf guide will walk you through specific strategies you can use to improve your writing right away. Get in touch to purchase any of the tools, or for special bundle pricing to purchase all of the guides together.
Jump Start Your Editing Journey (11 pages)
You’re ready to start editing, but how? This guide teaches you how to make your editing process easier, faster, and more effective. By showing you how to prioritize editing, teaching you about the different styles of editing, and giving you specific editing strategies to use right away, this guide will turn you into a better writer.
The Reverse Outline (4 pages)
This step-by-step guide teaches you how to create and use a reverse outline, a valuable tool for reviewing and improving the content and structure of your writing. It's also a fantastic strategy for reading and notetaking!
Self-Editing Checklist and Checklist Template (3 pages & 5 pages)
This thorough and detailed pair of guides teaches you how to build a personalized self-editing checklist and then how to use the checklist to streamline, organize, and dramatically improve your editing process. These tools will boost your efficiency, productivity, and self-awareness as a writer.